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Employment - Farm & Mill

Come and Work with us


We are always busy and always looking for people who are willing to work with us in our many and varied tasks that we undertake during the course of a day on the farm and in the mill

Likely tasks

  • Loading up and feeding the animals - we have around 2000 and can feed all of them every second day, so this can be a big part of the job
  • shearing shed work - picking up fleeces, sorting and grading
  • washing fibre
  • fencing - we have over 60 kilometres of fencing either mesh or electric fence.  So there is a lot of checking, maintenance and renewal of the fencing.
  • mill work - once all of the above is done, we will have fibre to process and so there are textile machines to operate and maintain.


Likely Pay Rates

  1. Hourly rates are currently $22.50,  plus
  2. Superannuation is paid at 9.5% of the gross pay for ordinary hours worked.

This is the minimum that we pay.  However the better you work, the better we pay.  


The end of the day is catch up time and a little fun for everyone