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    {{item.FibreType}} - {{item.Size.Text}}










    {{currencySymbol}}{{item.Price * conversionRate | number : 2}} {{item.PricingUnit}}

    Quantity (meters)



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Gift Vouchers

You may have a Wagtail Yarns Gift Voucher (Certificate or Card).  These came be used at Checkout in the Online Store. 

Simply enter the voucher number that you have and the amount will deduct from the total amount payable.

If the total of what you purchase is less than the Voucher, a balance will remain and you will be able to use the remaining amount with the same Voucher number next time you shop online.

The vouchers are valid for 1 year from the date of the voucher.

The vouchers are not redeemable for cash.  

The vouchers are not refundable.

If you are having any problems with the above, please Contact Us.