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The Animals

Unlike most other fine yarn producers, Wagtail Yarns only processes their own fibre, undertaking the whole production process from the birth of a kid, to shearing, to processing the mohair, to it being worsted spun, hand dyed, naturally air-dried and dispatched – it’s all done on the farm!  That’s why Wagtail Yarns can offer a unique quality of fine mohair yarn like-no-other.

The farm is run by 3 stakeholders, Betty Scarlett, Kevin Scarlett and Gaylene Kingston, all of who are personally responsible for the production, and adhere to the strictest quality standards.  With the current herd of nearly 2000 goats (and with aims to increase the numbers) running over 3500 acres, and processing of the fibre, this can be a time consuming process.

Like any farm, it wouldn’t be complete with out working dogs, and there are lots of them. Molly, Gus and Yogi help to round up the goats, each with their own way of working.  Then there's Sooty, Bubbles and Tinker,  the shed cats (the vermin control officer), who enjoy nothing more than lounging around the place and keeping the dogs in order.


Bubbles and Tinker working